曼达洛人 第一季

0.0 很差

分类:科幻 奇幻  美国 2019

简介: 继詹戈与波巴·费特后,另一段曼达洛武士传奇即将徐徐展开。 详情


曼达洛人 第一季影评:A 9 years old kid's review of The Mandalorian S1 Ep3

The Mandalorian gives baby Yoda to his client and gets his next mission, but he wants the baby Yoda.

He got good stuff, and go to his base.

He forges a good armor, that will attract guys.

The Mando does not care about this, and he made a missile launcher.

So he goes to the client's house's door and smashes the camera, this causes soldiers to check.

The Mando is smart and places a mine, the mines explode so the soldiers investigate.

The Mando sneaked away and wait for the soldiers, while the soldiers are near the Mando.

The Mando then manages to kill the soldiers, and the first threat is gone.

The Mando needs to find another entrance to the client's house, then he finds another entrance.

The Mando stepped in and stab kills two more soldiers.

More soldiers come so the Mando need to sneak around.

The Mando finds a soldier then stabs him, the Mando finds more soldiers and uses the laser blaster to shoots them.

He found another soldier and grapples stabs him, then the Mando finds more soldiers and kills them with his pulse rifle.

The Mando finds baby Yoda and kills everyone else, by stabbing, slicing, grapple stabbing, laser-blasting, flamethrowing, little missile launcher go boom boom or launching missiles, and pulse rifling.

He got out and every one his tracking him.

He starts shooting at them in the streets and tries to escape with a hover cart.

He did not escape with a hover cart and fails, while the crat flips and he is safe inside.

No one knows where he is so he uses his pulse rifle to shoot and kill people, but he is losing and others are surrounding him.

His friends arrive and the Mando runs away to his ship and escapes with baby Yoda.

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