
6.0 还行


分类:剧情 武侠 古装  地区:中国台湾   年份:2003 汉语普通话

主演:苏有朋 / 贾静雯 / 高圆圆 / 张国立 / 张铁林 / 陶虹 / 徐锦江 / 王刚 / 郭妃丽 / 释小龙 / 梁天 / 董晓燕 / 陈紫函 / 阎青妤 / 严敏裘 / 陈秀丽 / 鲍逸琳 / 林静 / 袁苑 / 姬麒麟 / 刘长生 / 于文仲 / 杜玉明 / 韩夫一 / 刘恒宇 / 王岗 / 叶静 / 晋松 / 詹小楠 / 刘思彤 / 李庆祥 / 郝柏杰 / 沈保平 / 

导演:杨韬 / 赖水清 / 

陈兵 Bing Chen/张敬 Jing Zhang/韦辛 Hsin Wei


导演:杨韬 / 赖水清 / 

主演:苏有朋 贾静雯 高圆圆 张国立 张铁林 陶虹 徐锦江 王刚 郭妃丽 释小龙 梁天 董晓燕 陈紫函 阎青妤 严敏裘 陈秀丽 鲍逸琳 林静 袁苑 姬麒麟 刘长生 于文仲 杜玉明 韩夫一 刘恒宇 王岗 叶静 晋松 詹小楠 刘思彤 李庆祥 郝柏杰 沈保平 

BT之家为您提供2003年由苏有朋 贾静雯 高圆圆 张国立 张铁林 陶虹 徐锦江 王刚 郭妃丽 释小龙 梁天 董晓燕 陈紫函 阎青妤 严敏裘 陈秀丽 鲍逸琳 林静 袁苑 姬麒麟 刘长生 于文仲 杜玉明 韩夫一 刘恒宇 王岗 叶静 晋松 詹小楠 刘思彤 李庆祥 郝柏杰 沈保平 主演,杨韬 赖水清 导演的《倚天屠龙记》影视在线观看,《倚天屠龙记》百度云网盘资源以及《倚天屠龙记》高清mp4迅雷下载,《倚天屠龙记》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

元朝末年,江湖盛传兼得倚天剑与屠龙刀者即可号令武林,整个武林为之疯狂。张无忌(苏有朋 饰)的父母张翠山和殷素素无意卷入因屠龙刀而起的江湖纷争,年幼的张无忌目睹父

Plot Summary:This popular tale of the martial arts world, set in 14th century China, centers around two legendary wuxia weapons - the Dragon Slaying Sabre and the Heavenly Sword - whose wielder, legend claims, is destined to rule the world. After decades of struggle and famine for which many Chinese blame the ruling Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, the martial arts sects have begun to rebel. Internal power struggles and violent attempts to acquire the two weapons mold the life of the story's young protagonist, Zhang Wuji, forcing his parents' tragic double suicide and plunging the youth into a world of treachery, intrigue and danger. Zhang Wuji's remarkable aptitude for martial arts brings him into prominence as he attempts to end the feuds among the various clans. Balancing his fighting skills, Wuji's innate morality, kindness, and loyalty win him unexpected allies and the devotion of several women of outstanding personality, all of whom play important roles in the young hero's tumultuous personal and public life. Wuji's struggles to sort out his love relationships and his efforts to unite the orthodox and unorthodox warrior sects collide in the story's climax, as Wuji and his followers strive to overthrow the Yuan rulers and return the country's governance to the Chinese people.





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