When My Sorrow Died: The Legend of Armen Ra & the Theremin(2014)

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When My Sorrow Died: The Legend of Armen Ra & the Theremin

分类:纪录片 音乐 传记  地区:美国  年份:2014 英语 , 亚美尼亚语

主演:Armen Ra / 

导演:Robert Nazar Arjoyan / 


导演:Robert Nazar Arjoyan / 

主演:Armen Ra 

BT之家为您提供2014年由Armen Ra 主演,Robert Nazar Arjoyan 导演的《When My Sorrow Died: The Legend of Armen Ra & the Theremin》电影在线观看,《When My Sorrow Died: The Legend of Armen Ra & the Theremin》百度云网盘资源以及《When My Sorrow Died: The Legend of Armen Ra & the Theremin》高清mp4迅雷下载,《When My Sorrow Died: The Legend of Armen Ra & the Theremin》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Glamorously eccentric and enigmatic Theremin master Armen Ra recounts his dynamic journey in this life-spanning documentary that mixes rare concert performances, candid interviews, and archive material with the magical power of music that can alchemize ancient sorrow into timeless beauty.


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