
6.0 还行

狂徒又名:The Scoundrels

分类:剧情 动作 犯罪  地区:中国台湾  年份:2018 2018-10-26(中国台湾)汉语普通话 , 粤语

主演:吴慷仁 / 林哲熹 / 李千那 / 谢欣颖 / 李铭忠 / 高捷 / 施名帅 / 

导演:洪子烜 / 

黄建铭 Chien-Ming Huang/洪子烜 Tzu-Hsuan Hung


导演:洪子烜 / 

主演:吴慷仁 林哲熹 李千那 谢欣颖 李铭忠 高捷 施名帅 

BT之家为您提供2018年由吴慷仁 林哲熹 李千那 谢欣颖 李铭忠 高捷 施名帅 主演,洪子烜 导演的《捍战》/原名《狂徒》/又名《The Scoundrels》电影在线观看,《捍战》百度云网盘资源以及《捍战》高清mp4迅雷下载,《捍战》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

文睿(林哲熹 饰)是一名前途似锦的职业篮球选手,因丑闻事件被逐出篮坛,没名没利没朋友,文睿生活陷入困境,庞大的赔偿金让他铤而走险与窃车集团合作,身边只剩女性好友

Plot Summary:With a single mistake, Rui, a former star basketball player, loses his job and has nothing to do. Collecting parking fees on the street, he's snooping around a dark world. He knows it is not where he belongs, but he has no place to go and nobody welcomes him. Then one day, he finds a woman bleeding on the street, and he takes her to the hospital. On the way, he is kidnapped by a bank robber. At first, he only looks for a chance to get away, but he is increasingly attracted to the robber who lives proudly, cleverly leading the underworld. Through him, a mentor and role model for the dark, Rui faces the brutal criminal nature hidden inside him. But the moment arrives when Rui can't avoid the final showdown with him.


捍战(中繁字幕)[1.45.01] The Scoundrels 2018 CHINESE 1080
  • 9.2分 HD


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