唯有死亡Only The Dead(2015)

6.0 还行

Only The Dead又名:至死方休

分类:纪录片  地区:澳大利亚  年份:2015 2015-07-10(悉尼电影节)英语

主演:Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi / Michael Ware / 

导演:比尔·古登泰格 / Michael Ware / 

Michael Ware


导演:比尔·古登泰格 / Michael Ware / 

主演:Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Michael Ware 

BT之家为您提供2015年由Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Michael Ware 主演,比尔·古登泰格 Michael Ware 导演的《唯有死亡》/原名《Only The Dead》/又名《至死方休》电影在线观看,《唯有死亡》百度云网盘资源以及《唯有死亡》高清mp4迅雷下载,《唯有死亡》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

记者Michael Ware获得史无前例的机会,能与士兵和恐怖份子近距离接触,深入描写伊拉克战争,毫无保留地呈现史诗般的故事。

Plot Summary:Only the Dead is a war story unlike any ever seen. A story of what happens when one ordinary man, Time magazine war correspondent Michael Ware, transplanted into the Middle East by the reverberations of 9/11, butts into history. Ware handpicked and given a shattering video tape by the most feared, most hated terrorists on the planet to announce his arrival of the world stage sets out on an epic journey into the deepest recesses of the conflict as he seeks answers. Answers that he thinks will lead him to the Truth.




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