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我的莫格利男孩又名:My Mogli Boy

分类:剧情 爱情  地区:中国大陆  年份:2019 汉语普通话

主演:马天宇 / 杨紫 / 傅孟柏 / 王真儿 / 任言恺 / 黄灿灿 / 吴昊泽 / 郑湫泓 / 

导演:彭学军 / 

刘飞 Fei Liu/刘辰光 Chenguang Liu/施适 Shi Shi


导演:彭学军 / 

主演:马天宇 杨紫 傅孟柏 王真儿 任言恺 黄灿灿 吴昊泽 郑湫泓 

BT之家为您提供2019年由马天宇 杨紫 傅孟柏 王真儿 任言恺 黄灿灿 吴昊泽 郑湫泓 主演,彭学军 导演的《我的莫格利男孩》/又名《My Mogli Boy》影视在线观看,《我的莫格利男孩》百度云网盘资源以及《我的莫格利男孩》高清mp4迅雷下载,《我的莫格利男孩》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:A romance begins between Mo Ge Li boy from the jungle and his muse when she accidentally introduces him to civilization. Mo Ge Li is a boy from the jungle who was raised by the forest caretaker, Grandpa Lin. Mo Ge Li played with jungle creatures growing up until one day, an independent, career woman mistakenly takes him to the city. Ling Xi wanted to return him back to the forest right away but she couldn't help but allow him to stay for work reasons. Living under one roof, Mo Ge Li and Ling Xi start to develop a unique relationship. He learns the ways of the world with Ling Xi's help and acts as a bridge bringing her and the people around him closer to nature.




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