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終わった人又名:退而不休(台) / Owatta hito / Life in Overtime

分类:喜剧  地区:日本  年份:2018 2018-06-09(日本)日语

主演:馆博 / 黑木瞳 / 广末凉子 / 臼田麻美 / 今井翼 / 柳原晴郎 / 清水美智子 / 温水洋一 / 高畑淳子 / 岩崎加根子 / 渡边哲 / 田口智朗 / 笹野高史 / 

导演:中田秀夫 / 

根本非翟 Nemoto Nonji/内馆牧子 Makiko Uchidate


导演:中田秀夫 / 

主演:馆博 黑木瞳 广末凉子 臼田麻美 今井翼 柳原晴郎 清水美智子 温水洋一 高畑淳子 岩崎加根子 渡边哲 田口智朗 笹野高史 

BT之家为您提供2018年由馆博 黑木瞳 广末凉子 臼田麻美 今井翼 柳原晴郎 清水美智子 温水洋一 高畑淳子 岩崎加根子 渡边哲 田口智朗 笹野高史 主演,中田秀夫 导演的《无用之人》/原名《終わった人》/又名《退而不休(台) / Owatta hito / Life in Overtime》电影在线观看,《无用之人》百度云网盘资源以及《无用之人》高清mp4迅雷下载,《无用之人》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Sosuke Tashiro is on an elite career course at a major bank until he is transferred - or rather relegated - to a subsidiary company, where he reaches retirement age. After decades of single-minded dedication to his work, he finds himself at a loss. Days pass with nothing for him to do, and time goes by at a snail's pace. "I don't want my life to end like this." Sosuke picks up the courage to look for work at a nearby job center, but his glittering academic background and impressive resume get in the way, and he has little luck. Upon seeing this, his wife Chigusa who works as a hairdresser and his daughter jokingly suggest that Sousuke should find someone to date. Coincidentally, Sousuke indeed finds someone who he is interested but things do not turn out the way he wants and his life starts to take on an uncontrollable twist.




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