Cane-Toad: What happened to Baz?(2002)

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分类:动画 短片  地区:澳大利亚  年份:2002 2002英语

主演:Paul Davies / 

导演:David Clayton / Andrew Silke / 


导演:David Clayton / Andrew Silke / 

主演:Paul Davies 

BT之家为您提供2002年由Paul Davies 主演,David Clayton Andrew Silke 导演的《Cane-Toad: What happened to Baz?》/原名《》电影在线观看,《Cane-Toad: What happened to Baz?》百度云网盘资源以及《Cane-Toad: What happened to Baz?》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Cane-Toad: What happened to Baz?》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:This is the story of a toad named Baz, who has suddenly, for no good reason which is apparent, disappears. As Baz is gone, the story of the theories put forth to his possible plight is told by his friend Daz, whose "mates call him Dazza" and who tells the story as he thinks it went. Daz tells the audience that he knows not where Daz went, only that he disappeared "like a fart in a fan factory" and that since he's disappeared, nobody around knows what happened to him. In this short film, Daz tells us his theories on what may have happened...


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