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べるぜバブ又名:魔王奶爸 / 魔王的父亲 / Beelzebub

分类:喜剧 动画  地区:日本  年份:2011 日语

主演:小西克幸 / 泽城美雪 / 伊藤静 / 水岛大宙 / 关智一 / 丰崎爱生 / 杉田智和 / 荻野晴朗 / 岸尾大辅 / 高木涉 / 高桥广树 / 冈本信彦 / 平川大辅 / 中川庆一 / 

导演:高本宣弘 / 渡部稳宽 / 木村延景 / 古川顺康 / 西村博昭 / 高桥英俊 / 清水一伸 / 松本正幸 / 佐藤昌文 / 川西泰二 / 清水聪 / 东出太 / 冈辰也 / 远藤晋 / 佐佐木真哉 / 熨斗谷充孝 / 

田村隆平/横谷昌宏 Masahiro Yokotani/山口宏 Hiroshi Yamaguchi/伊藤美智子 Michiko Ito/梅原英司 Eiji Umehara/冈笃志


导演:高本宣弘 / 渡部稳宽 / 木村延景 / 古川顺康 / 西村博昭 / 高桥英俊 / 清水一伸 / 松本正幸 / 佐藤昌文 / 川西泰二 / 清水聪 / 东出太 / 冈辰也 / 远藤晋 / 佐佐木真哉 / 熨斗谷充孝 / 

主演:小西克幸 泽城美雪 伊藤静 水岛大宙 关智一 丰崎爱生 杉田智和 荻野晴朗 岸尾大辅 高木涉 高桥广树 冈本信彦 平川大辅 中川庆一 

BT之家为您提供2011年由小西克幸 泽城美雪 伊藤静 水岛大宙 关智一 丰崎爱生 杉田智和 荻野晴朗 岸尾大辅 高木涉 高桥广树 冈本信彦 平川大辅 中川庆一 主演,高本宣弘 渡部稳宽 木村延景 古川顺康 西村博昭 高桥英俊 清水一伸 松本正幸 佐藤昌文 川西泰二 清水聪 东出太 冈辰也 远藤晋 佐佐木真哉 熨斗谷充孝 导演的《恶魔奶爸》/原名《べるぜバブ》/又名《魔王奶爸 / 魔王的父亲 / Beelzebub》影视在线观看,《恶魔奶爸》百度云网盘资源以及《恶魔奶爸》高清mp4迅雷下载,《恶魔奶爸》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

男鹿辰己(小西克幸 配音)就读于石矢魔高校一年级,是一个眼神凶恶个性粗暴的不良少年。这一天,刚刚在河边结束了一场斗殴的男鹿发现河面上居然飘来了一个长相十分可疑的

Plot Summary:The story follows the strongest juvenile delinquent, Oga Tatsumi, he is a first year in Ishiyama High, the school for delinquents. The story starts as he is telling the story of how he found the baby to his best (and only) friend Furuichi Takayuki. One day while fishing by the river (actually, taking revenge on people trying to kill him in his sleep), he sees a man floating down it, he pulls him to shore and the man splits in half revealing a baby boy. This boy is the son of the demon king and he has been chosen as the one to raise it with the baby's maid Hilda. The story follows his life with the child and at the delinquent school. The early chapters of the manga follow Oga as he attempts to 'pass on' Baby Beel to other students at Ishiyama, (The theory is that if Oga can find someone more evil and stronger than him, Baby Beel will attached to that person instead of Oga). After subsequently fighting and defeating all members of the Touhoushinki and in the process, destroying Ishiyama High itself, Oga and company are transferred to Saint Ishiyama Academy, which appears to be a direct opposite of the delinquent school.



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